His-tagged proteins conjugation
With dynamicBIOSENSORS´ new site-specific labelling kits His-tagged proteins can be covalently conjugated to DNA in an orientated way with high efficiency.
proFIRE® Conjugation
Well-defined protein-DNA conjugates are a very important tool for many bioanalytical applications.
Labelling Kits
With our kits, covalent conjugation of proteins to DNA can be carried out in an effortless workflow.
Request a demo
Our application specialists will illustrate the unique capabilities of the proFIRE® system.
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Site-specific covalent conjugation and purification of His-tagged proteins to DNA
A comparison of reaction yields from a conjugation of protein A and a 48mer DNA with (right) and without (left) our proprietary guiding DNA method demonstrates not only more site selective conjugation using this method, but also a 50% higher relative yield.

Figure | Comparison of a reaction mixture of 50 µg protein A with 48mer DNA without addition of Guiding DNA (left) and with addition of Guiding DNA (right).
Preparation of pure antibody-DNA conjugates
Join us for this recorded webinar presentation to learn more about dynamicBIOSENSORS’ unique proFIRE® system and get insights into the preparation of pure antibody-DNA conjugates.
„Of the last four big instruments I have bought in the last year,
a superresolution microscope, a potentiostat, a fancy gradient maker/fractionator, and the proFIRE®,
I would say it is by far the most robust and easy to use.
When I look back over about 15 big lab instruments over the last 20 years,
I would say it is one of the top 10% in terms of robustness and ease of use, if it separates the compounds you want to separate (which dynamicBIOSENSORS is great about testing first before you buy).“
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