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Site-specific covalent conjugation and purification of His-tagged proteins to DNA for switchSENSE® applications I App Note

Site-specific covalent conjugation and purification of His-tagged proteins to DNA for switchSENSE® applications I App Note

CMT disease severity correlates with mutation-induced open conformation of histidyl-tRNA synthetase, not aminoacylation loss, in patient cells I Paper

CMT disease severity correlates with mutation-induced open conformation of histidyl-tRNA synthetase, not aminoacylation loss, in patient cells I Paper

A DNA-based biosensor assay for the kinetic characterization of ion-dependent aptamer folding and protein binding I Publication

A DNA-based biosensor assay for the kinetic characterization of ion-dependent aptamer folding and protein binding I Publication

A Step-by-Step Guide to Study Protein-RNA Interactions

A Step-by-Step Guide to Study Protein-RNA Interactions

Triazine-Modified 7-Deaza-2′-deoxyadenosines: Better Suited for Bioorthogonal Labeling of DNA by PCR than 2′-Deoxyuridines

Triazine-Modified 7-Deaza-2′-deoxyadenosines: Better Suited for Bioorthogonal Labeling of DNA by PCR than 2′-Deoxyuridines

Specific inhibition of splicing factor activity by decoy RNA oligonucleotides

Specific inhibition of splicing factor activity by decoy RNA oligonucleotides

Magnesium-Dependent Electrical Actuation and Stability of DNA Origami Rods

Magnesium-Dependent Electrical Actuation and Stability of DNA Origami Rods

Tailored peptide phenyl esters block ClpXP proteolysis by an unusual breakdown into a heptamer‐hexamer assembly

Tailored peptide phenyl esters block ClpXP proteolysis by an unusual breakdown into a heptamer‐hexamer assembly

switchSENSE® – Biophysical Analysis with Electro-Switchable Biosurfaces

switchSENSE® – Biophysical Analysis with Electro-Switchable Biosurfaces

A new biosensor-based assay for aptamer-protein interaction analysis I App Note

A new biosensor-based assay for aptamer-protein interaction analysis I App Note

High-affinity capturing of antibodies on the switchSENSE® biochip  using CaptureSelect™ affinity ligands

High-affinity capturing of antibodies on the switchSENSE® biochip using CaptureSelect™ affinity ligands

Utilization of Staphylococcal Immune Evasion Protein Sbi as a Novel Vaccine Adjuvant

Utilization of Staphylococcal Immune Evasion Protein Sbi as a Novel Vaccine Adjuvant

Reverse Transcriptase binding and activity assays with switchSENSE®

Reverse Transcriptase binding and activity assays with switchSENSE®

RNA-binding proteins distinguish between similar sequence motifs to promote targeted deadenylation by Ccr4-Not

RNA-binding proteins distinguish between similar sequence motifs to promote targeted deadenylation by Ccr4-Not

Celastrol Promotes Weight Loss in Diet-Induced Obesity by Inhibiting the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases PTP1B and TCPTP in the Hypothalamus

Celastrol Promotes Weight Loss in Diet-Induced Obesity by Inhibiting the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases PTP1B and TCPTP in the Hypothalamus

Biophysical characterization of bispecific antibodies developed for enhancement of dual-targeting specificity with switchSENSE®

Biophysical characterization of bispecific antibodies developed for enhancement of dual-targeting specificity with switchSENSE®

Measuring ligation activity of T4 DNA ligase on nicked DNA with switchSENSE®

Measuring ligation activity of T4 DNA ligase on nicked DNA with switchSENSE®

Sizing Analysis of the Ubiquitin / E1-E2-E3 Complex using switchSENSE® technology

Sizing Analysis of the Ubiquitin / E1-E2-E3 Complex using switchSENSE® technology

Structural and Kinetic Profiling of Allosteric Modulation of Duplex DNA Induced by DNA-Binding Polyamide Analogues

Structural and Kinetic Profiling of Allosteric Modulation of Duplex DNA Induced by DNA-Binding Polyamide Analogues

switchSENSE® Protein Size. Different Size = Different Switching Speed

switchSENSE® Protein Size. Different Size = Different Switching Speed